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1980. The Lutheran Mission in Thailand.
“The main purpose of the Lutheran Mission in Thailand shall be to bring Christ's Gospel through proclamation and service, to the peoples in Thailand, and to establish local congregations which shall be united in one Lutheran Church.”
“The main purpose of the Lutheran Mission in Thailand shall be to bring Christ's Gospel through proclamation and service, to the peoples in Thailand, and to establish local congregations which shall be united in one Lutheran Church.”
1994. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand
“The purpose of this Church is to worship God, the Father through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, to proclaim the Gospel to all human beings; to build up the body of Christ, the Church; and to serve others in love. In order to fulfill this purpose this Church shall emphasize:
-the preaching and teaching of the Word of God and the administration of the Sacraments,
-the equipping of God’s people through such means as: training for different ministries, discipleship training and Christian education;
-the proclamation of the gospel to non-Christians in Thailand as well as undertaking mission work in other countries, and:
-Diakonia work, in order to bring love, justice and restoration to the world.
Tässä pohjoisthaimaalaisessa kylässä avatussa pienessä
kyläkirkossa sain minäkin vierailla Thaimaassa
käydessäni. Siellä pidetyssä koulutustapahtumassa Mies mm havainnollisti
Pyhää Kolminaisuutta keitetyn kananmunan avulla. Oli mukava ja rento
päivä mukavien ihmisten seurassa:“The purpose of this Church is to worship God, the Father through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, to proclaim the Gospel to all human beings; to build up the body of Christ, the Church; and to serve others in love. In order to fulfill this purpose this Church shall emphasize:
-the preaching and teaching of the Word of God and the administration of the Sacraments,
-the equipping of God’s people through such means as: training for different ministries, discipleship training and Christian education;
-the proclamation of the gospel to non-Christians in Thailand as well as undertaking mission work in other countries, and:
-Diakonia work, in order to bring love, justice and restoration to the world.

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